Friday, January 26, 2007

Over 50 What's and ?

After turning 50 I had one of those blinding glimpses of the obvious:
"I have lived over half may life". I really doubt that I will live another 50 years unless there are some incredible breakthroughs in medicine, and weight management.

So now that my life is half over, how's it going?

Am I happy with the way things are?

Am I happy with what I am doing?

Where am I heading for the time I have left?

I think things are going pretty well. I need to lose a bunch of weight, it would be nice to have some more money but all in all no major complaints.

My sculpture career is expanding, although gallery representation would also be nice.

My work at the university is very fulfilling. My position in utilities is challenging, my teaching position is fun, most of the time, and the development of a new Power Plant program is very exciting.

Last Friday I attended a big event for the college. The second annual College of Applied Science Hall of Fame banquet. Pete Strange, CEO of Messer Construction was inducted into the Hall of Fame and over $317,000 was raised for scholarships for students. A super success!!

Duke Energy sponsored a table and they had a great time. One of their VPs could not make it so I asked them to host a student at their table. The student had a great time, and Duke LOVED him.

I am on the Board of Trustees of the Hamilton, Ohio City of Sculpture, Inc., and have been for over a year. They are a GREAT group of hard working people making a serious impact in the world of public art and sculpture. It is truly an honor to be part of the board. (More later).

I was also just appointed to the City of Montgomery Arts Commission. Even though I have only lived in Montgomery since July, I really feel like I am grown up enough to be involved. The work so far with the City of Sculpture board has encouraged me to take this on as well.

I am looking forward to updating my sculpture web site, and I am really looking forward to the weather warming up so I can spend more time in the studio. I can'y afford to heat it in the winter, except for a radiant gas space heater I use where I am working.

I am exhibiting in a new gallery in Northern Kentucky, Marx Gallery, and will probably have some work at Kennedy Heights again as well.

I am reconnecting with old friends from the pre-marriage and kids phase of my life.
They say you can't have too many friends and I think that's right. As the kids get older and leave for college soon, we will be looking to spend more time socializing with friends.

I could go on and on I think, but this is my first blog and I think I should catch my breath and read it.